
Gary over at Thoughtfactory is now writing a newsletter. Like so many  he is distancing himself from the devils bargain that is “free” Facebook gmail and so on.  I totally support this move back to the pre facebook era. A time when blogs and blogging held sway. At absolutely no cost to the reader.

Encourage him and others like him so we can reclaim the web.

Here’s a little list of newsletters I subscribe too.

  • Craig Mod [Ridgeline free] [Roden Subscriber based] is a Japanese based Photographer and Writer.
  • Noah Kalina is a US based Commercial Photographer
  • Jöerg Colberg is a US based Photographer, Academic and Writer
  • Andy Adams is a US based Curator and all round friend of photography.
  • Lewis Bush is a UK based Academic and Writer
  • Suzanne Phoenix is a Melbourne Based Photographer Photobook maker and Artist.
  • FoPG The Friends of Photography Group (FoPG) is a film photography group based in Melbourne, Australia. Membership is free and you are emailed events and exhibitions.

About the author.
Stuart Murdoch is an Artist and Part time Photo Educator, with over 30 years of teaching experience. He contemplates many things photographic. His ruminations include his own work as well other’s and the aspects of technology that impact on the sharing and consumption of Photographs. And of course the act of making and taking photographs in the 21st century.

☛ Website | Flickr | Instagram | Photography links | s2z digital garden | Tumblr

Author: s2

artist, picture maker, photobook creator

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