The 25 Photos That Defined the Modern Age

A Gordon Parks colour photograph from the 1950s, depicting a black women and child on a street outside a movie theatre. Source:-
Gordon Parks, “Department Store, Mobile, Alabama,” 1956 Source

In my inbox recently, from Jorg Colbert came a link to an  article by a panel of experts at the New York Times who decided what the 25 most infulential images since 1955 are.

Definitely an arbitary date to choose from and some obscure images which I had not heard of and a couple of insigtful texts to accompany some of them.

It begins by lisitng the obvious omissions, Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Richard Avedon, Dawoud Bey, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Imogen Cunningham, Roy DeCarava, William Eggleston, Walker Evans, Robert Mapplethorpe, Helmut Newton and Irving Penn.

A group of experts met to discuss the images that have best captured — and changed — the world since 1955.

They were: the Canadian conceptual photographer Stan Douglas, 63; the Vietnamese American photographer An-My Lê, 64; the acting chief curator of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art, Roxana Marcoci, 66; the American documentary photographer Susan Meiselas, 75; the American photographer Shikeith, 35; and Nadia Vellam, 51, T’s photo and video director.

Sadly behind a paywall. A definite add to my bookmarks.

About the author.
Stuart Murdoch is an Artist and Part time Photo Educator, with over 30 years of teaching experience. He contemplates many things photographic. His ruminations include his own work as well other’s and the aspects of technology that impact on the sharing and consumption of Photographs. And of course the act of making and taking photographs in the 21st century.

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