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Social Glue

A new set has emerged from the depths of my archives, again thanks to the application, iView Media Pro.

Several are sitting on the back burner awaiting processing, and at this stage I would argue that I haven't dug that deep really. I have 4 or so years of archives from one camera, plus the ever expanding current catalogues for my recently resurrected Nikon Coolpix 5400.

You know in some ways flickr is to blame, I trawl though the photos of the people I have listed as contacts, I trawl through several of the groups I submit to and they all jog my memory of places and times where I have photographed in the past of similar ideas, memories and experiences, and it's now slowly starting to dawn on me how and why photography has become such a powerful social glue, such a powerful social and cultural activity.

Stay tuned, it's hump day here and time to sit reflect and write may yet be a day or two away.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 23, 2006 7:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Back in Action.

The next post in this blog is Worlds Apart.

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