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Time wasting on the interwebs

So, as if flickr wasn't enough of a time waster, now twitter!

Here's my list of social/sharing sites that I'm involved in

So, as far as I can see, twitter is really for folks who as a flickrnaut recently said, "people who are chained to their computers". My question is then, are any of these sites of any real use in our lives, particularly if your job description does not include working all day everyday on a computer?

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Comments (4)


a group of us started using twitter together as a "where am i?" kind of thing, as we're all in and out of the office at different times.

mostly, it's just frivolity.

at other points in time, though, i think twitter could be useful for micro-blogging/prose/something.

on the other hand, there's also stuff like tumblr if you want micro-blogging with a few more features than twitter (plus it'll aggregate content from other blogs/flickr/del.icio.us/etc. which is all I use it for at the moment)


no last.fm?

it's ridiculous how many sites i'm at. i've been aggregating them this week.. you might like this if you haven't come across it already:

what is your myspace experience? what do you get out of it?

s2art [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Ah of course there jayjuice, yes I have a lastfm account as well, forgot that one, sheesh talk about cyber-fatigue, as for myspace, I use to keep in contact with current and former students

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